
Artisanal Wine Bottles

Artisanal wine bottles are both produced under the name Gaspare Buscemi and from winemakers who receive technical assistance and service in the winery from Buscemi, his wife and his daughter.

This name was chosen because they contain artisanal wines: Wines, which have not been modified in their original values and not been standardised by repeatable, even if highly advanced, industrial technologies. Wines capable of withstanding time and growing in quality over the years because they are handmade, following the rules of high quality. Wines that are born from grapes, picked and processed in conditions of highest freshness and sanity, with musts obtained through natural processes of fermentation, and chemical physical stabilisation without using specific stabilisers.

how is
artisanal wine made?


With high quality grapes, produced by winegrowers in a collaborative relationship that respects and sustains the various competences and guarantees their quality.


With tools constructed ad hoc: every step from the processing of the grapes to the bottling is performed manually using specific tools that grant the developing of the natural processes of transformation in wine – fundamental condition for an artisanal processing.


With time passing. The wines of Gaspare Buscemi are reaching the necessary organoleptic completeness in a natural way, without the use of advanced technologies, stabilisers or corrections and with less use of sulphur dioxide.


In the bottle: each bottle is sealed with a cork stopper and stays in the bottling facility to verify the perfect sealing of the stopper and the evolution of the quality. The cork grants the necessary transmission and exchange for a positive evolution of the wine in the bottle.

The quality of wine
evolves over the time.

Gaspare Buscemi believes in wine that is capable to age.
Time allows the wine to develop a marked structure, to refine the balance until reaching sphericity (as Luigi Veronelli said) and allows the flavour, which to start with was only flowery and fruity, to gain an increasing complexity over time.

White wines evolve with notes of honey, flower jam, white and yellow fruit as well as with hints of spices, nuts, undergrowth with fine mushrooms and sometimes even truffle, while the colour is emphasizing its intensity without decaying, though.

In red wines the initial sensation of red, blue and violet fruits, evolves to a sensation of jam, soon supplemented by notes of undergrowth, coffee, cacao, strong aromatic spices like cinnamon and cloves and blond tobaccos. The colour takes more and more brick and orange tones.